August 16, 2011

toddler tuesday: splash party!

We had a playdate at "Grammy" Robbie's house today!
This is Amelia wanting out of the cold water...

The girls kept looking at the water... but we're sure they wanted to spend much time in it. Cold!

Grammy got in some snuggle time with Sam.

Skimming: how to keep a toddler entertained for longer than 3 minutes.

Splash party!

You may have noticed that my watermark has changed. That's because I'm going into business for myself. Well, I don't know about business, but I'm trying my hand as a for-hire photographer. I've resurrected my old photography blog and started a facebook page. My main goals are to expand my knowledge and abilities while having fun and hopefully generating a bit of income for my wee family. I'm excited about the possibilities!


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