I have a serious illness. I'm not sure if there is a cure. It's called mommybagitus. I started developing symptoms about 4 years ago, and it's just gotten worse.
To the point of needing an amputation.
My symptoms were so severe, that in a store today I realized the sad truth; I need to see help. I need intervention.
Help me.
In no particular order, here is what makes up the 80 pounds I carry around daily:
1 spiral notebook
1 thriving Family magazine
1 pair sunglasses
1 child's photo book
1 package dried apricots
1 container teddy grams
1 bag cinnamon bears (in my defense these have only been in since yesterday)
1 medicated nasal spray
1 saline nasal spray (I recommend this over the medicated one. In case you were wondering.)
1 play phone
2 packs of crayons
1 car, 1 tractor and 3 trucks
2 baggies of treats
4 baggies of snacks
1 set Wikki Stix (if you have children you NEED wiki stix. Trust me.)
1 package Ricola drops
1 package thank you cards
1 journal
4 go go squeeze
2 clean, empty baggies (you never know when you'll need one)
4 packages of emergen-C
1 red robin card
3 pens
1 hand sanitizer bottle
5 dinosaurs (2 blue, 2 green, 1 yellow)
1 pack sticky notes
2 diapers
1 diaper cream
1 pack diaper wipes
1 onsie
1 short-alls
1 pair little girl panties
1 mac power adapter
4 tampons
1 chapstick
1 mac lipstick
1 travel Advil (for all the back pain I have carrying all this crap around)
2 hair ties
1 small Bible
1 fat handful of tissues
1 hairbrush
1 broken clip-on earring (this one baffles me. Never saw it before.)
1 bacon mold ice cube tray (I'm not kidding)
1 pile of papers, receipts, and old church bulletins
and, one the very bottom, 1 wallet
In my defense we've done nothing but travel for the past month and a half.
I know. I'm pathetic.
After taking everything out though, I am proud to tell you that for at least the next 10 minutes all that is in my purse is the diapers, wipes, tissues, sunglasses, and wallet (and all the little girly necessities in the little zipper pocket.
Just one more reason that motherhood has been training me for the Spartan.
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To the point of needing an amputation.
My symptoms were so severe, that in a store today I realized the sad truth; I need to see help. I need intervention.
Help me.
In no particular order, here is what makes up the 80 pounds I carry around daily:
1 spiral notebook
1 thriving Family magazine
1 pair sunglasses
1 child's photo book
1 package dried apricots
1 container teddy grams
1 bag cinnamon bears (in my defense these have only been in since yesterday)
1 medicated nasal spray
1 saline nasal spray (I recommend this over the medicated one. In case you were wondering.)
1 play phone
2 packs of crayons
1 car, 1 tractor and 3 trucks
2 baggies of treats
4 baggies of snacks
1 set Wikki Stix (if you have children you NEED wiki stix. Trust me.)
1 package Ricola drops
1 package thank you cards
1 journal
4 go go squeeze
2 clean, empty baggies (you never know when you'll need one)
4 packages of emergen-C
1 red robin card
3 pens
1 hand sanitizer bottle
5 dinosaurs (2 blue, 2 green, 1 yellow)
1 pack sticky notes
2 diapers
1 diaper cream
1 pack diaper wipes
1 onsie
1 short-alls
1 pair little girl panties
1 mac power adapter
4 tampons
1 chapstick
1 mac lipstick
1 travel Advil (for all the back pain I have carrying all this crap around)
2 hair ties
1 small Bible
1 fat handful of tissues
1 hairbrush
1 broken clip-on earring (this one baffles me. Never saw it before.)
1 bacon mold ice cube tray (I'm not kidding)
1 pile of papers, receipts, and old church bulletins
and, one the very bottom, 1 wallet
In my defense we've done nothing but travel for the past month and a half.
I know. I'm pathetic.
After taking everything out though, I am proud to tell you that for at least the next 10 minutes all that is in my purse is the diapers, wipes, tissues, sunglasses, and wallet (and all the little girly necessities in the little zipper pocket.
Just one more reason that motherhood has been training me for the Spartan.