July 11, 2012

toddler adventures: mud play

Today we played in the mud at Grammy Mo's house:

Millie got to make the mud pit. 

She asked if she could get in the mud. I said yes. "Can I get IN the mud?" She didn't believe I said yes! 

Sam mostly just played with the hose. 

That is Mama's leg. 

"Painting" my legs. 

Sam has mud on his feet because I put mud on his feet. He didn't touch the mud. 

Millie and her artwork. 

I'm not sure what was more fun, the med or the cleaning up.

Thanks Grammy Mo for letting us play in your mud!


Shannon said...

Yay! Mud play!

Becky said...

I have never seen a child stay so clean while playing in a pit of mud. LOL!

custom writing service reviews said...

Awww they both are so adorable!! Such cuties!!! Hahahah having fun getting all dirty!!! Loved seeing these pictures can't wait to see some more of these cuties!!

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