I know, I know... this blog is sorely neglected.
I'll just say being on bedrest may have seemed like a great time to start a new blog,
I'll just say being on bedrest may have seemed like a great time to start a new blog,
but after bedrest came Samuel.
Ah, sweet Samuel. Can I tell you about him? He (like his bis sister was) is the baby everyone hope they have.
I mean, the kind of baby that you hope and pray and dream about.
The kind of baby that is content to he held, or to swing, or to ride in the Ergo.
He doesn't cry at all - we can probably could on one hand how many times he's cried in his week of life, and mostly because
I'm still a little awkward at this breast feeding thing.
Speaking of which, he nurses great.
And, he makes little noises and smiles in his sleep.
I love watching him sleep.
Papa just brought him to me. Now he's sleeping in my arms.
Mmmm, sleeping baby.
Millie is throughly enjoying being a big sister. She is VERY helpful.
Well, she's kind of helpful.
The important thing is that she TRIES to help, right?
But oh how she loves kissing her Samool.
Sadly I haven't even gotten my DSLR out since we brought him home.
I keep snapping on my P&S.
I meant to take it to the park, but packing for 2 babies seems to have given me memory loss.
At least I remembered the kids, right?
I have some fun ideas and a great new blog I just discovered that I want to share,
But with little Sam in my arms I seem to be a mite distracted. So I'll try to post tomorrow.
For now, snack on these little feet.
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