April 30, 2014

the desires of my heart... moving

When I was a teenager, the desire of my heart was to get the most with the least amount of effort.

I wanted to make the most amount of money, but I didn’t want to work for it. I wanted to have the most amazing relationships, but I didn’t want to put in the effort. I wanted the most beautiful house, car, wardrobe, you get the idea. I wanted it all - without all the work. 

15 years later, I have so much less than I wanted as a teenager- but I’ve found that I have more than I ever dreamed possible. 

Our current home in Georgetown that we’re moving out of soon

I don’t own a home. In fact, our lease is up in a month on our cute little house in town. Our new home has a rotting porches, the back door rotted right off the hinges and is on the back porch rotting away. There is no toilet, shower, kitchen sink, no plumbing at all. No electrical wiring, no lights, and a lot more nothing. You get the idea, right? This is a “fixer-upper” to be sure. 

Our “fixer-upper"

There is no fancy kitchen. No fancy ceiling, no fancy anything. It’s not fancy in any sense. 

But there’s something magical about it. Every time I walk in it and look around at the simplicity and bareness of it, I feel a peace in my heart. I feel so at home I’m almost giddy. I feel like I’m where I belong - where God wants me. And I couldn’t ask for anything more than that. 

The little house and hangar are at the grass airstrip
It’s funny how, as we draw out hearts and minds to Jesus, the desires of our heart change. Instead of wanting more, I want less of what this world has to offer. Instead of want to work as little as possible, I want to be a solider for Jesus and work to gather as many of the flock as are willing to come to Jesus. I’m not afraid of too much work anymore. 


Jimy said...

That is maturity dear. When we are young we are full of ideas and imagination because we have not yet entered the practical life. Once we mature up we realize what happiness is.

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